
护理和. 社会工作

护理和. 社会工作:最大的区别

你想帮助别人——护理和社会工作领域是两个很好的职业道路,你可以选择综合技能来帮助别人. 如果你正在考虑离开护理领域转到社会工作(反之亦然), or considering a career change to either field, there are a few things you should know before choosing 你的 path.


Please keep in mind job tasks can vary widely by position 和 employer, so there are potential exceptions to generalizations made below.


1. 临床任务-你喜欢医疗保健吗?

护理和社会工作的主要区别在于工作的实际性质. 社会工作者当然可以在医院或其他门诊环境中工作(甚至与注册护士密切合作),在医疗保健中发挥作用。, their role extends well beyond strictly clinical health.

While nursing continues to evolve into a more holistic discipline, a traditional RN remains focused on clinical care, 在治疗和药物方面满足患者的即时医疗保健需求.

Social workers can have clients who have little to no clinical health issues, 更多地关注心理健康, helping patients adjust to lifestyle changes, 评估支援网络, 促进社区资源, 还有更多. 社会工作者s can work in several clinical settings including hospitals, 门诊, 康复中心, 长期护理设施, but can also work in non-clinical settings such as schools, 社区中心, government 年龄ncies 和 even in private practice.

If you have a passion for clinical care but do not want to be a nurse, you may be best suited for medical or mental health social work.

如果你正在寻找从床边护理的改变,并希望在更广泛的职业道路上利用你作为护士发展起来的技能, 成为一名社会工作者 会是一个很好的选择吗.

2. 日常事务和结构

RNs 和 social workers have very different day-to-day experiences.

RNs tend to have more clearly defined daily tasks. You typically have a certain number of patients with specific, quantifiable needs—和 a healthcare team around you to provide support. 而注册护士当然必须能够迅速适应变化,并在压力下保持冷静, there is more structure 和 routine in their day-to-day.

另一方面,社会工作者可能很难坚持日常工作. 他们很少在具有更强支持结构的团队结构中工作,并且必须定义自己的日常任务. Some days you will be in the office, others you will be on the road. 根据客户的需求,你的日常安排可能是不可预测的,这可能是非常多样化的.

话虽如此,医务社会工作者可以有明确的日常任务. Medical social workers provide an array of services for patients in their care. Depending on the patient needs 和 the type of medical setting they work in, medical social workers may provide crisis counseling, 生物心理社会评估, 资源规划, 提高高质量健康结果的家庭治疗和其他支持性服务.

如果你是一个循规蹈矩的人,并且在日常任务明确的岗位上工作得最好, 你可能更喜欢护理. 如果你在一份让你每天都有新事物期待的工作中茁壮成长, 你可能更喜欢社会工作.

3. 患者人数

这一点与第二点有关. 一般来说, the more patients or clients you have to deal with, the more variable 和 unpredictable 你的 day-to-day can get.

护士通常每天要照顾的病人/客户较少, 尤其是在急症护理环境中. When patients have chronic health conditions, 他们需要注册护士和完整的医疗团队的持续监控,以确保他们成功康复. 当护士被太多的病人压得太紧时,就会出现严重的问题.

Social workers tend to have a higher number of clients. Because a social worker’s client may not always be in an emergency situation, 他们并不总是需要像注册护士那样对许多病人进行持续的监测.

然而, 然而,社会工作者可能不会每天都直接与所有的客户接触, they may need to be working on their behalf behind the scenes. 社会工作者必须根据他们的个人需求平衡他们对更多客户的注意力,并相应地优先处理日常任务.



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4. 管理任务


作为一名社会工作者,每天的大部分工作都涉及到保持与客户互动的良好记录, 或者与医疗机构合作, 当地社会服务, 或者地方政府实体. Paperwork 和 administrative tasks can pile up fast.

文件在专业和提供专业服务中都很重要. 文件的类型不同——社会工作者可能会进行生物心理社会文化评估和记录客户的需求, 的优势, 和资源. 社工也会仔细记录来访者的互动和治疗计划的进展, 客户指出, 总结报告和治疗方案.

If you hate the paperwork you’re already doing in nursing, social work will not relieve you of the administrative burden. 不介意文书工作、喜欢组织/行政工作的护士更有可能喜欢社会工作.

5. 平均工资

On aver年龄, registered nurses make a higher w年龄 than social workers.

根据 劳工统计局, the median annual w年龄 for social workers is 每年50390美元, 相比 $77,600 注册护士.* 然而, salaries can vary by state, employer, education, experience.

While aver年龄 salaries favor working as an RN, 你的个人优势, 技能, 驱动力在你的薪水中起着最大的作用——你可以在社会工作领域赚到一份不错的薪水.

6. 短和. 长期的反馈


输入和. 与社会工作相比,护理工作的产出可能更发自内心,更能立即得到满足, especially in a traditional clinical or hospital environment. The fruits of a social worker’s labor may not be seen for years. 护士可以在几小时内看到它.

这似乎有利于护理工作,但护士每天都可能经历极端的高潮和低谷, which can be either invigorating or taxing based on 你的 personality.

While social workers can experience similar highs 和 lows, these moments tend to be stretched out over longer periods. Social work is the art of conceiving an effective long-term plan, 剩下的病人, seeing it through every day until you’ve succeeded for 你的 client.


使 你的 影响


The path you choose depends on who you are 和 who you want to be. 软件下载的存在是为了帮助你发现你一直想要找到的最好的自己. Join us 和 begin earning the education you need to find 你的 new career path.

软件下载提供几个本科和研究生 护理程序, 社会工作学位选择 for both BSW holders 和 bachelor’s degree holders in a non-BSW major. 你在赫京大学是有幸运28计划.

Find 你的 degree pathway with Herzing大学


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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